Digestive problem treatment, including diarrhea and stomach upset

Digestive problem treatment, including diarrhea and stomach upset

It’s not uncommon for your dog or cat to suffer from different types of digestive disorders. Common causes for these disorders include dietary indiscretion, food allergies, parasite infections, viruses, bacterial infections, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Fortunately, acting quickly can prevent issues from worsening. Bloodwork, fecal analysis, and xrays are common tests used to diagnose and assess certain digestive disorders. Sometimes and abdominal ultrasound is required to see a three dimensional picture of the internal abdomen.
While most pets with digestive tract disorders can be treated on an “outpatient” basis or with home care visits, those with more severe disorders will require hospitalization on IV fluids.

Chronic conditions may require multiple visits. Our Home Care Services provide a viable option of treating these conditions at home.

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